Saturday, November 5, 2016

Vuzix - What happened? Know the risks

I first offered up my opinion on Vuzix on Saturday September 3rd, when the PPS had closed at $8.81 the day before.  I had opened a position on the short side on September 1st just after the opening bell a little north of $9, a position which still remains open.  I revisited Vuzix again on Oct. 10th by which time the PPS had fallen to $8.  In the first post I made note of all the bullish promotion, and in the second I focused in more on the history of dilution.

Now it is November and the PPS has fallen all the way under $6, closing at $5.85 on Friday November 4th 2016.  So why am I writing about Vuzix again?  Is it to pat myself on the back?  Yeah okay, there is an element of that certainly. I'm human and as prone to the sin of pride as anyone. But I also know that success can be fleeting in the markets, VUZI could rally next week and the pumpers will jump all over this pathetic little blog.  And if it makes it all the way back to $9 or even $8....have at her, fill your boots.  

I do in fact expect there to be a rally here and there obviously.  Rarely do stocks go up or down in a straight line.  VUZI didn't go from about $4.50 in May to almost $10 in September of this year without pauses and pullbacks, and it didn't fall from those lofty heights to under $6 without the occasional move upward.

This post is going to be about the risks associated with taking out a long position in VUZI.  There's lots of chatter about this company being an industry leader, either now or in the future, but I put that down to either wishful thinking or brainless pumping.

The single biggest risk in my view is Competition.  This is a very crowded space and Vuzix is a guppy swimming with whales. Other entities competing include electronic giants like: Samsung, Sony, LG, Toshiba, as well as other players like Google, FaceBook and Microsoft.  

When it comes to brand recognition alone most people will recognize all those names.  Vuzix on the other hand?  I bet most people (discounting current and past shareholders) have never heard the name once.  Vuzix is going up against major players with established supply and distribution channels, no need to hit the road with a U-Haul to visit trade shows for the big boys.

And with the way the AR and VR space is integrating with other devices like computers, smartphones and gaming systems, its not hard to see Vuzix operating at a severe handicap, perhaps so severe that its insurmountable.

And then of course there's financing.  There's an old saying, ''build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door''.  That's certainly true in this space as evidenced by the amount of money raised by a start up called Magic Leap.  Maybe you've seen this eye popping video that company put out:

Magic Leap has reportedly raised $1.4 billion in venture capital from such players as Google, JP Morgan, Alibaba and others.  Here's a Forbes article on the company:

In fairness Vuzix was profiled its own video back in 2014.  Here it is:

I don't know about anyone else, but the whale jumping out of the gym floor, that has ''WoW'' factor written all over it.  The Vuzix bit about the stadium lights going down and a technician using the glasses for GPS and technical assistance, meh.  Like there wouldn't be a maintenance guy at the stadium who could take him there and a cell phone conversation wouldn't be enough to fix the problem if the tech didn't know what to do.

I know Vuzix bulls like to make a big deal about the $25 million Intel invested almost two years ago in exchange for shares.  But $25 million for a company with around $40 Billion on its balance sheet, its almost like me buying a homeless person a cup of coffee.  Besides Vuzix is an Intel customer, and given the way Vuzix burns through capital it was probably a wise investment, companies with $0 money have a hard time paying their bills after all.  

In short (no pun intended, well....maybe a little) I see Vuzix as being just way too small to compete in this space.  The company has a long history of attracting investor attention via promotion and bullish sounding press, but ultimately it has always failed to deliver where it really counts, on the bottom line.  Artificial and Virtual reality products like glasses, this will be a huge market in my opinion, but Vuzix will be a footnote I believe, like Tandy and Commodore 64 in the home computing space.  


  1. "I don't know about anyone else, but the whale jumping out of the gym floor, that has ''WoW'' factor written all over it."

    I don't think you realize what is going on in this demonstration. The kids are looking left, at a live feed of their gym, the whale jumps out of the water, the kids heads are looking left and then right (at the gym floor where the whale hologram would be if it were a hologram) and back left (to the screen). They aren't seeing this hologram except on the screen. The view through the camera is the device that is inter-meshing reality and fantasy. Vuzix and many others can do that.

    "Like there wouldn't be a maintenance guy at the stadium who could take him there and a cell phone conversation wouldn't be enough to fix the problem if the tech didn't know what to do."

    With the M100/M300, the "brains on the other end of phone" can see what the technician sees and can inform verbally or visually what to do. The technician because he's wearing the eye glasses is hands free to work with both hands. These devices are marketed toward businesses, not pro/consumers. It can be useful with warehouse picking, pharmaceuticals, A/C repair, and the list goes on and on.

    Ultimately, you may end up being right. Vuzix may end up going bankrupt. But you'll have been right now because you were informed, only because you were lucky.

    BTW, the Commodore 64 is not a "footnote" in history. It was a hugely successful product (like the VCR) whose time has come and gone. Never a footnote. Vuzix would kill for similar success.

    1. I'm used to being called lucky....MOBI, KTOV, formula is pretty simple, look for hype and promotion that is over the top and a history of poor to horrible bottom line performance and dilution.

      Good luck

    2. If your knowledge of the other companies is comparable to what you know about VUZI, I can see why. It appears you have a decent nose for BS and that trumps all. Perhaps stay away from voicing opinions on the products themselves then?

  2. The BS I have a nose for always centres around some product or service....gotta have something to hype.


    Magic Leap (whale video makers) may be the more immediate fraud.

    "The startup had raised more than a billion dollars to create an augmented-reality headset which overlays digital images on the wearer's view of the real world. ... But a new report by Reed Albergotti at The Information ... shows that it was ... just fiction overlaid on reality."
