I first wrote about ABRW on June 12th 2016:
In that post I included the chart which showed ABRW at $1.75. That was just after it had traded up around $2, a 52 week high, having climbed from lows around just 20 cents as recently as February and March of this year.
Well, it seems there's some more promotional effort at work, and I have to say, it looks good. Seeking Alpha contributor John H. Ford just put up a blog posting on July 8th claiming that Bucha is a $7 stock for his nearly 2,000 followers. It was also shared on his Twitter account where he has over 3,700 following him.
Not bad eh!!! How often do you get to buy something that's worth $7 but only have to pay $2? Man, that's like someone offering to sell you a 2016 Dodge Challenger for just $10,000 instead of the regular price of $30,000+. I bet these cheap shares are gonna disappear pretty quick. What idiots would be selling something for $2 or less when its worth $7?
You know what they say though....when something sounds to good to be true, it usually is. So what's the deal with $ABRW? Did those who sold over 100,000 shares today at prices ranging from $1.81 - $2.05....did they just get hosed? Or did they do well to take the cash? According to Mr. Ford's blog the shares are now worth $7, that's not stated as opinion, its presented as fact. Did today's sellers not get the memo?
Okay....what's up. Why would someone say a stock trading around $2 is worth $7 if they're buying? Its seems to me that's the kind of thing you say when you're looking to sell. People will buy lots of things (often worthless) if they can be convinced they're screwing the seller.
"I hate to let this car go for $5,000 because its worth at least $10,000...maybe even $15,000....but I have no choice, I'm leaving the country in two days". You've probably seen or heard of ads like this on Craig's List.
Bucha is an OTC listed company trading on the pink sheets with the symbol ABRW. Its been getting a fair bit of hype lately as mentioned in my earlier posts. Pictures of Bucha's drinks have been popping up on twitter, someone even snapped a pic of them in a shopping cart.
@buchalive $abrw - Sunday night shopping getting ready for the work week. This should do it. #buchador
Obviously Bucha is a real company, no question about that. It reminds me somewhat of when Tiger Woods put energy drink Fuse "on his bag" and did a CNBC interview about his new endorsement deal. A lot of people stormed into Fuse Science's stock after that, pushing that OTC Pinkie stock to dollars. The symbol for Fuse Science is DROP, which is fitting. Just check what its trading for now and you'll understand why.
Nortel also springs to mind, many investors bought into that debacle because, seeing the phone they used at work sporting the Nortel logo, they knew it was real. Unfortunately what Nortel was "real" good at was losing money, and at accounting irregularities.
Of course after so many scandals with companies like Nortel, Enron and Worldcom to name just three....more stringent regulations were brought in with the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002. The act is designed to give investors more confidence in the financial data public companies release to shareholders and prospective investors.
Companies that trade in the United States on the NYSE, Nasdaq and OTC must conform to the act, typically referred to as Sab-Ox. Only companies with stocks trading OTC Pink are exempt. Oooops.
Companies that trade in the United States on the NYSE, Nasdaq and OTC must conform to the act, typically referred to as Sab-Ox. Only companies with stocks trading OTC Pink are exempt. Oooops.
Okay....but what is ABRW saying and why do guy's like Mr. Ford assert that buying ABRW around $2 is a steal, like that vehicle on Craig's List being given away at a fraction of its real value?
Its because of their acquisition of New Age Beverages and Xing Tea. The press release touts the acquisition as being a "$50 million+ new business combination". Mr. Ford's blog claims that New Age is generating $50 million annually. I assume that to be a revenue figure, but I don't know where to verify it. New Age, was a private company....not even a pink sheet listed one. As such they are not required to file financial statements like 10Qs and 10Ks....not even unaudited ones like ABRW.
I remember my late great father telling me about the 3 kinds of lies that exist. Lies, damn lies, and accounting.
I know this blog is going to get trashed. Pumpers don't like being called out....and that's what I think is going on here, and that's what I'm doing, I'm calling BS here. In my opinion this is just yet another OTC hype job.
Don't agree? Hey....fill your boots, load up on as many shares as you can afford, I'm not here to tell anyone how to play the markets, I'm just an old retail investor expressing his views on a blog. Read my disclaimer. If you really believe ABRW is a steal, then share this blog everywhere you can.....maybe you can buy even more and get the shares cheaper, like talking down the house you want to buy....Only an idiot raves about something they're buying, that just makes the sellers more reluctant and gets them asking for higher prices.
In my opinion this is a classic pump, and often times they work. Dumpers get lots of cash and buyers get lots of inflated shares, its a zero sum game boys and girls.
Disclosure: I have no position in ABRW long or short and no intention of ever initiating one.