Resverlogix has posted to its website, on the Media Events page, that the company will be attending Biopharm America in Boston on September 26th and 27th of this year, just over a week from now. Look under "Current Events" about half way down the page:
Biopharm America is in its 10th year and is described as unique partnering event which brings together hundreds of executives from: Venture Capital, Major Pharma, Academia and all manner of Biotech Firms from start ups to developed companies with drugs on the market.
Biopharm America uses "PartneringOne" a software platform that allows participants to tailor one on one meetings specific to their needs. The two day conference features leaders and executives from across the spectrum of Life Sciences. Some big players slated to be in attendance include AstraZeneca, Bayer, Genentech, Merck, Pfizer and many more.
As a Resverlogix shareholder who's very hopeful for the success of Apabetalone, the company's lead compound currently in Phase III trial, it is certainly encouraging to see the company busy and getting out to an event such as this one.
I realize that might come as a shock to some, that a public company would publish on the world wide web its attendance at a major conference, and then not show up without prior notification. But it is something that has already happened twice this year, most recently at the Rodman & Renshaw Investor Conference in New York City on September 11th. The other time was in May at BioEquity Europe in Paris.
In both cases the company published on their website attendance but then cancelled without providing any notification to shareholders ahead of the fact. In the most recent case I communicated with IR at Resverlogix and was informed via email that the Rodman & Renshaw cancellation was due to a scheduling conflict, but no details were provided as to the nature of the conflict.
I am pointing this out because if the company skips out again without prior notification I don't want my readers to accuse me of knowingly putting out false information. I prefer to be proactive rather than reactive, and knowing the company's history of skipping investor conferences and such without notification I feel it behooves me to at least warn readers that it is a possibility.
I am hopeful however that if, (for any reason) the company does decide to skip BioPharm America, that now they will notify stakeholders before the fact and not after. I will be checking their media page frequently to see if the event is still listed and will leave a comment on this blog posting if I notice that it suddenly disappears.
But to reiterate, I am hopeful the company will be proactive going forward. I base that hope on a conversation I had with Resverlogix's VP of Investor Relations this past Friday. During that conversation I went through something of a laundry list of items where the company's communications were severely lacking in my view, some of it very basic stuff.
On top of the two investor conferences that were skipped the company had published a Power Point with missing agenda items, and another with the wrong debt figure and share totals. Then most recently on September 13th just passed the company put out a PR which said the company's most recent quarterly statements and MD&A were available on the company's website....they were not. Thankfully late on the afternoon of Friday September 16th, (after my conversation with IR) they were finally posted to the site. Better late than never.
IR acknowledged the importance of projecting a positive corporate image and of professionalism in the company's communications. After all Resverlogix has a value statement on their website that says they're committed to "timely and transparent communications".
Going forward I expect nothing less.